Interfaith ERGs: 3 Best Practices in 2025

Anisha Nandi
Anisha Nandi
Co-Founder, CEO


Employee Resource Groups are built on shared experience and identity. For many around the world, their faith or religion is a core part of their identity, so ERGs focused on different faiths have become more commonplace in our workplaces. However, deciding how and when to start ERGs built around faith can be unclear and rife with challenges. At Verbate, we work with hundreds of ERGs around the world and share out our insights through our Community. We've noticed Interfaith ERGs have become more common as a way for some workplaces to create inclusive spaces for those of all faiths.

Here are some best practices we've noticed in Interfaith groups that are effective and inclusive:

Focus on the "inter" in Interfaith

These groups present a great opportunity to focus on the intersectionality between different religions. Doing events and efforts that help highlight the shared traditions, beliefs or sentiments between groups can create a great sense of empathy and bonding across your org as a whole.

Set Clear Expectations

Setting clear guidelines on what your Interfaith group seeks to accomplish will help when friction or difficult questions come up around why you aren't doing something. Clear northstars such as a focus on education, intersectionality, empathy or storytelling will help guide employees on what your Interfaith group does and doesn't do.

Get Execs Involved

Involving senior leaders early and often is key to making the most of these groups, while setting clear expectations and champions. It will also help senior leaders understand the value of the community at an earlier stage.

Some helpful resources:

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