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Finding Group Champions - Tré Wright, Aug 2023

In this Fireside Chat, Tré Wright (they/them) to discuss how to build relationships with executive champions & allies.

Here were the key takeaways:

  1. Your Executive Allies will have "different journeys" to supporting your group, whether it be something in their life changing, them seeking to grow their inclusive perspective, or simply being willing to give their time. Be aware and open to all of these journeys.

  2. When faced with nuanced situations, Executive Allies often fear that they don't know the "right thing to say." Simply saying "I'm not sure what the right answer is, but I'm here to listen and help where I can," is so much better than avoiding the topic altogether.

  3. Don't be afraid to ask for help directly. For example, "Hey, I could really use your help with X," is much more clear and will likely be better received than, "I know your time is valuable... but we're struggling with X... what do you think?"